Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Better English in Call Centers: The Gospel According to BO - a Solution!

Let us start the year with something that is common yet so vital. Something that affects our life in the BPO world or the call center. I am talking about the mastery of the English Language. We know very well that someone who is well versed, has doors opened up for him or her. The language is the bridge for the customer and that person who is using the head set. The mantra that makes everything fall into the right pieces - the English Language. 

Being able to speak the language is like having common sense. It is a required skill for someone aspiring to join the illustrous world of call center agents. For an employer it is a necessity that must be imposed for all employee under the company. Fluent speakers are of hign demand especially those who can understand and speak the American accent. This factor is so vital that BPO companies would spend millions to train agents. Train them to reach a certain level wherein customer can tolerate the Filipino influence on acccent and language mannerism. However, this would still pose as a problem. At the end of the day amidst the month long language and culture training, the result is futile or it is not what was expected.

I once heard our Directress of Operations said, "Filipinos are flexible. You train them and they will learn or adapt to it." Yes we can and we have this character. We can easily change. But with the influence of the Filipino mass media changing and adapting to what is needed for your job is something that poses as a challenge. Imagine, as the trainer you are with them for an eight hour session. Then, they go home, sit down and watch the television with either Tagalog or Bisaya as the main course. At home they or we communicate with our loved ones in our own language. So the training, is deemed futile from the start or right after you just finished one. So change or being able to adapt is at minimal level. The environment itself crushes your training module.

So, solutions?

Have you heard of the gospel according to "Bo"? I am not referring to "Bo Sanchez" the famous preacher. I'm talking about BO, the Language and Communication Manager (I hope I got it right) of Convergys Cebu. I have been to many call centers, including the one that I am in right now.No one so far offered a concrete solution that is tangible and simple. He capsulized it with "the gospel according to BO".

I have to admit. If you see the man, for the first time you would feel his "aura" of authority. Well, he needs not to be introduced as the Manager. And if he is reading this write up, I would apologize because I don't know his real name. I know him as Bo. Later I realized that the reason why there is a sense of greatness around him because of his confidence. Confidence because he practices an inner discipline that enables him to be good in what he proclaims. And here is the gospel...

The gospel according to Bo, Chapter 1 Verse 1: "Be Selfish" Think of yourself! This might be so different with the Catholic Bible or gospel. From what I understand he meant for us not to think of others when you speak English. It is given that when you are on the production floor and would follow the EOP (English Only Policy) rule people around you, would glare. Thus, the person who wants to practice the language would either be concious or would wither away. The ridicule and criticism of the people around would discourage anyone. Thus, learning and practice is stifled. If you are a call center agent you would understand what I'm saying or what Bo wants to say. No matter how the center implements the EOP rule, people on the floor would still speak in their dialect. Bo continues with, "no matter how they try to let you speak in your dialect, respond in English. The best way to learn the language is the practice it! Next, thing is to avoid watching local movies or TV program. It makes your listening suffer. They key is not only to talk but to get used to listening to them (Americans)". So indeed, practice makes Perfect!

The thing that I love about the gospel's principle is that it is simple. Simply, DO NOT consider what other's might say. The most important thing is that the individual should practice regardless of the circumstance. We know very well that to be better in English is to always practice. I have followed Bo's Gospel and can proudly say that I am good at this language. Good enough, that doors opened up for me.

I was an agent of Convergys - Sprint Wave 236! 

1 comment:

Neil Dempster said...

Interesting and to a certain extent one of the concerns is that there is a huge influx of persons who apply for the customer service positions that really are doing so out of necessity and they really DO NOT possess the language skills or job requirements to do a satisfactory job. (There are many great agents here and unfortunately many who should not be but are working in english callcentres)

Having said that I agree the best way to improve is to practice and avoid listening to others, and make sure you are accountable for your own actions and abilities.

Having said that identifies the huge root cause without client pressure there quite often is as you indicated a lapse in following a process that was established or following it "loosely"

Why bother having a policy or practice if the management teams are going to ignore or even break it themselves ?

While working as an operational performance specialist I am a huge advocate of a fun team workplace and I love this country for the people; however no patience for fundamental breakdowns that undermine the rationale behind implementing them.

Although I do admit that furthering one's language skills can be accomplished by doing natural things like you mentioned watching only certain types of programs; I believe it is up the the individual to choose on how they will accomplish.

Just some thoughts

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